Antilexia Introduction

Welcome, I see you've found my website, dedicated to the documentation of my made up and not real "Artificially Constructed" language. I know very little about coding, so this site will be sucky for a little bit.

I first had the idea to make my own language June 24th of 2023. My first attempt was a written, or "nonspoken" language made up of symbols. I never gave it an official spoken name, but I tend to call it Writsim (short for Written-Symbolic).

...but soon it wasent enough. I had to explore letters. Morphology. Phonetics. And I had to do it in the least convient way possible. This led to the birth of Antilexia. My first spoken conlang.

The initial goal of Antilexia was to be a language that was particulary difficult for dyslexics. So difficult in fact, that even nondyslexics would get mixed up trying to read it. However, as I grew more attached to the language I became soft. I made the sounds (slightly) easier to pronounce and I gave up on using a spiral-like writing direction. The only feature of the current version of the language that still clearly mirrors my early intent is the letters themselves.

About me

Hi! Im the creator of Antilexia. You can call me aiwwapjap or my Antilexic name Macoz

My favorite natural languages:

  1. Arabic
  2. Hebrew
  3. Russian

My favorite constructed languages:

  1. h̆h̆ffh̆h̆
  2. Lalűta
  3. Lingito

My non-languistic hobbies: